Biking For Babies Visits Quincy, IL

Imagine a world where women do not have to make choices out of fear or convenience, but feel empowered to make choices out of love and purpose. Imagine a world where the gift of life is the thing held in the highest respect. Biking for Babies believes in that world, and they are chasing that vision.
Biking for Babies, a pro-life organization aiming to form young adults into missionary disciples and to raise funds and awareness for pregnancy resource centers, will bike into Quincy, IL on FRIDAY JULY 14, 2023. All are welcome to attend their mission event at Madison Park. Because the bikers will ride over 100 miles that day the exact time they bike into the park could vary a little, but we are expecting them at 5pm. Please come and join us for cookies and to listen as the riders share about their approach to building a culture of life and how they support pro life pregnancy resource centers. There will be a prayer service at 6 PM.
Find more information at or Right to Life of Adams County Facebook, or by calling/texting Vicki at 217-316-9936.
Let's do all that we can to give the team a strong, pro-life welcome!
Friday, July 14 at 5 p.m. | Madison Park Shelter | 24th & Maine in Quincy, IL
Recommended arrival time at 4:30