Please help support Right to Life of Adams County by attending and participating in our events!
Annual Respect Life Poster/Essay Contest
Theme: Life - Always The Best Choice!
Poster Contest for Grades 3-8
Essay Contest for Grades 7-8
Right to Life of Adams County is sponsoring its 41st annual poster contest and its 30th annual essay contest! Our purpose remains the same as in past years—to encourage the development of pro-life values in our youth. These contests provide you a convenient opportunity to discuss the sanctity of life issues with your students. A short period of time spent on these issues each year has long-lasting results. Certainly, each child who submits a poster or essay has taken time to thoughtfully consider respect-for-life issues. Each succeeding year of participation strengthens the students’ pro-life convictions, readying them to combat the culture of death in contemporary society. Hopefully, all will gain valuable insights from this resource.
For more info on how your school or church can participate, please call or text Jane Haas at 217-257-0533.
Right to Life Essay Contest 2025
Right to Life Poster Contest 2025
40 Days For Life Prayer Vigil
March 5 - April 13, 2025| Around Walgreens | 1723 Broadway | Quincy, IL 62301
Please visit to sign up and walk. For more info, please contact Colleen at 619-395-0625.
40 Days Campaign Kickoff Dinner
Sunday, February 16 | 4:00 pm | Bethel Assembly of God | 12th & Jefferson | Quincy, IL 62301
Springfield March for Life
March 25, 2025 | Pickup at 9:00 am
Those of you who wish to attend the Springfeild March for Life Rally can join with us for a nominal fee. We will be chartering a bus again this year to take participants directly to the Capitol Building to march around with good pro-lifers from around the state. If you would like to join us, and for more information, please contact Lyn at (217) 653-0075.
Dogwood Parade
Saturday, May 3rd TBA
We need volunteers to walk with us and hand out candy to spectators again for this years annual parade. If unable to walk, there will be room to ride in the truck. Star Wars is the theme for this year so wear your best jedi cloak! This is a wonderful way to get our message out to the community and show our presence.
Please consider walking!
Questions? Please reach out to Jane at 217-257-0533 or email us at [email protected]
National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children
September 13, 2025 | 1:00 pm | K of C Grounds | 700 S 36th St
PLEASE join us for Quincy's first National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children memorial service.
On Saturday, September 13, pro-life Americans throughout the U.S. will gather at memorial sites dedicated in honor of aborted babies and at their gravesites, for the 12th annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
Together, during the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, let us remember the victims of abortion and pray for a final end to this injustice in our land.
Solemn vigils will be held in over 100 locations to commemorate the more than 65 million children who have lost their lives to legal abortion since 1973, and to remind our society of the humanity of the unborn child.
Please bring a lawn chair.
For more info call Jane - (217) 257-0533
Life Chain
October 5th, 2025 | 2:30 pm | Between 14th & 16th Broadway
Please join with other area pro-life supporters in peaceful public witness as we stand for 60 minutes praying for our nation and for an end to abortion.
Pick up your sign at the corner of 16th and Broadway between 2:00 and 2:30 pm. Please park on 16th Street or Vermont. We ask that you position yourselves two arm’s lengths apart along the South Side of Broadway Between 14th and 18th Streets Do not stand in groups Bring a lawn chair only if unable to stand. This event is an opportunity to stand for life and is held in more than 1,400 cities in the United States. Please remember this is an hour of silent prayer.
For 35 years, pro-life Christians across the United States and Canada have publicly, prayerfully, and peacefully stood in prayer and repentance on behalf of legalized abortion each fall. From its small beginnings as a local witness in California, the Life Chain has spread to more than 1,000 locations all over North America. The first Sunday of each October is usually National Life Chain Sunday. We believe that it is time for the Church to fight for the unborn with spiritual weapons. The battle for life will not be won in the courtroom or the voting booth until it is first won in prayer. We call for pastors to lead the Church in repentance for our nation.
Annual Respect Life Dinner
Date and Time TBA!
Pennies (or More) for Life Campaign
Back in 2025
An annual fundraiser held in our churches to give everyone the opportunity to thank God for the gift of life. Everyone is asked to donate at least a penny for every year of his or her life. Due to the financial impact of Covid-19 Pennies for Life was not held in 2021.